Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I think I need to mention some more usefull shell commands, so here they are:

# uptime //everybody knows this (shows how long the system has been running)

# man hier //description of the file system hierarchy

# dmesg // detected hardware and boot messages

# lsdev // information about installed hardware

# cat /proc/cpuinfo //cpu info

# cat /proc/meminfo //memory info

# free -m // used and free memory in MB

# cat /proc/devices //configured devices

# cat /proc/net/dev //shows network adapters and statistics

# lshal // shows a list of all devices with their properties

# top //nice display and update of top cpu processes

# tail -n 500 /var/log/messages //last 500 kernel/syslog messages

# tail /var/log/warn //system warning messages

# sysctl -a //view all system limits

# sysctl fs.file-max //view max open files limit

# sysctl kern.ipc.numopensockets //how many open sockets are in use

# ps -auxefw // nice display of all running processes

# fuser -va 22/tcp //list processes using port 22

# tar c dir/ | gzip | ssh user@remote 'dd of=dir.tgz' // arch dir/ and store remotely.

enjoy and see you soon...
posted by Jovica at 10:06 PM |